Project Description
Florence, one of the most charming city art in the world, is about 160 km from Castiglione della Pescaia and it is easy reachable by train, bus or car ; it takes about 2 hours and half.
The history of Florence began with the Etruscan civilization; it was founded in the IX century a.c. In 59 a.c the Romans conquered and ruled Florence (they gave it the name Florentia)and in a very short time it became one of the most important cities in Europe.
The imposing Cathedral of Florence and the Baptistery, whose doors show the episodes of the Old Testament, are one of the most renown masterpieces of the world .
The Campanile was projected and by Giotto who started to work at it himself but couldn’ t finish it. The Dome ideated and done by Brunelleschi was one of the biggest pieces of work of that age. Ponte Vecchio the most visited bridge in the world is a mixture or art and romance. Palazzo vecchio, the monumental achitectural work considered the best civic building of the 12th century and its outstanding Arnolfo Tower is easily recognisable by the flag symbol of Florence on topo of it. It is set in one of the most charming squares of Florence, Signoria Square, most apppreciated by tourists as well by the local citizens.
The Uffizi is the centre of arts of the city; valuable masterpieces by artists from all over the world are to be visited in this unforgettable museum.
Not far away is Piazza Santa Croce dominated by its Basilica: Here are to be visited among others the shrines of Galileo, Michelangelo and Dante (whose rests are in Ravenna). Local handycraft stalls and shops allover the city.